Hey guys! 

Last weekend(May 6, 2018), I ran my first half marathon. 13.1 MILES!!!!!!!

Honestly, I didn't think I could do it. My goal going into this was simply to finish it. I wasn't trying to end with a certain time or run at a certain pace, I just wanted to be able to walk back to my car after. I run 3-4 miles daily, but I was freaking out a bit when I realized I was one month away from running 13... and hadn't trained much. I think I will be much more prepared next time, but I thought I'd share with you a little bit about my experience and what I did leading up to the half marathon. 

I signed up in January(2018) thinking I had plenty of time to train, but of course, life gets busy, things come up. I really didn't start "training" until a month and a half before when I started running 6 miles. I knew I wasn't going to be able to jump the mental hurdles of running a half if I didn't at least get to 7 miles. So I did it. I was a little bit beyond half-way... And I didn't get much farther. Basically, I went back to LA and with that, went back down to 4-5 miles. At least I was running. 


The night before the half marathon I ate A LOT of pasta. Probably not the best idea. The morning of, I ate nothing. Definitely not the best idea. lol. 

I arrived in Santa Monica at 6:00 am to grab my number and warm up (AKA take pictures of myself by the start line). I played it cool and basically told myself that my body can do anything for 2 hours. I already knew I could make it halfway and I didn't care how fast I ran. 

I ended up running the whole time, which I didn't think I would be able to do. The first 8 miles were great. The next 2 miles were a bit harder. The last 3.1 miles were AWFUL. But, I DID IT. AND FINISHED 2nd!!

Just kidding, I finished in 47th place. BUT WOOOO! Plus, I saw David Hasselhoff while running on the Santa Monica Beaches. I feel like you know you're doing something right when David Hasselhoff is doing the same thing. Right?

I would totally do it again. I think next time I'll train though. :)

Moral of the story. Jump in the deep end. If you're passionate enough about something, you will prevail.. or see David Hasselhoff :)

Thanks for reading! xoxo

Connect with me! @sydneyscotia
